
Archive for novembre 2010

Social Documentary

29 novembre 2010 Laisser un commentaire

La photographie à portée sociale

Quelques photos à caractère social tirées de l’excellente revue photographique Social Documentary.

Social documentary photography or concerned photography is a socially critical genre of photography which is dedicated to the life of underprivileged or disadvantaged people.

A rice farmer surveys his fields after planting rice shoots in the muddy earth. Unless properly managed, growing rice produces a large amount of methane gas that contributes to the global warming threat.

Photographer: Ed Kashi
Organization: VII Photo
Title: Madagascar

Photographer: Rick Nahmias
Title: Golden States of Grace: Prayers of the Disinherited
Location: California, United States

Photographer: Ireneusz Luty
Title: A Tale of Distinct City
Location: Australia

Photographer: Jimi Ennis
Title: Fist Full of Words
Location: Ireland

Photographer: Manuel Meszarovits
Title: Exclusion and Poverty: The unbearable precariousness of human beings
Location: Cambodia & India

Photographer: Bony PHOTO
Organization: Maya Press
Title: Rom, persecuted for 1,000 years
Location: Near Paris, France, France


Photographer: Ivan Aleksic
Title: Gypsies-“Super people”
Location: Serbia, Yugoslavia

Photographer: Deborah Terry
Organization: International Lifeline Fund
Title: Migrations – Nomads with no causes/refugees with no tomorrow
Location: Sudan

Photographer: Tony Savino
Title: Kouzen Zaka – Vodoun in Brooklyn, NY
Location: NY, United States

Photographer: Ivan Aleksic
Title: Kosovo Diary
Location: Kosovo